About Vorp FX
Vorp FX is the label that I put on the pedals that I build. Vorp FX is not a business, it is one man's hobby. Pedals are strictly built on a one-by-one basis and only when I have time. Every item is handbuilt in Austria, individual and one of its kind. Even pedals of the same name may have slight differences in the used components.
This website tracks the effects pedals that I built. It is here mostly for informative purposes, as a documentation for myself about what I built, and to provide additional information for people who stumble across them somewhere on the Internet.
Buying Vorp FX pedals
Some of my pedals are available to buy. I am usually listing them on Reverb.com, a platform for trading musical equipment.
Some of my pedals can be built to order if you are interested. In that case, just click the "Ask" link and send me an e-mail, and I will be able to tell you how long it might take and how much it will cost. It depends on whether I have the components at hand, whether I'm working on other projects, and how much spare time I have in general.
The prices are calculated so that they cover my expenses for the parts and my time. I am not seeking to make any profit with these pedals. Besides, as the tax office may be watching, I can only offer a very limited number of pedals each year to make sure that I do not qualify as a business.
Why "Vorp"?
It doesn't mean anything. I'm in a band called Orp and very early on we recorded a couple of tracks whose titles were four-letter words that I made up. One of these tracks was called "Vorp", which I liked because it felt like a conglomerate of "Orp" and "warp". I used the word for the catalogue numbers of our releases, and when I was looking for a catchy faux brand name for my pedals, "Vorp" seemed to be the obvious choice.
Contact information
Send your questions, feedback, etc. to vorpfx(at)icloud(dot)com.
Mitteilung gemäß §5 E-Commerce-Gesetz
Kontaktinformation: Horst Prillinger, Westbahnstraße 28, 1070 Wien, vorpfx(at)icloud(dot)com
Da es sich hierbei nicht um ein gewerbliches Unternehmen handelt und ich nicht umsatzsteuerpflichtig bin, entfallen die Angaben gemäß §5 Abs. 4-7.